Bishop Robert Deeley will visit with the students, faculty, and staff at St. Michael School, located on 56 Sewall Street in Augusta, on Monday, November 21, starting at 9 a.m.
In addition to visiting each classroom in the school, the bishop will have lunch with middle school students and staff and have the chance to watch the students as they perform one of the countless acts of service that are on display each year at St. Michael.
The eighth graders will assist the Salvation Army in distributing Thanksgiving baskets to local community members in need. The students will help assemble the baskets the day before and begin handing them out at 1:15 p.m. on Monday. Each basket contains the fixings for a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
“Our students are at their best when they are helping others,” said Kevin Cullen, principal at St. Michael School. “Our students know that they are serving God when they are serving our neighbor.”
For more information about the event on Monday, contact the school at 207-623-3491. To view a list of Bishop Deeley’s other school visits, Masses, and additional upcoming events, visit