PORTLAND---The Presence Radio Network, Maine’s only Catholic radio network, will hold the “Light in the Darkness” Pledge Drive on March 9-12 to raise money for the network’s seven radio stations across the state. The Presence is a non-profit, non-commercial, independent lay apostolate that relies on the gifts of listeners as a crucial funding source.
The pledge drive will air on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (March 9-11) from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday (March 12) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bishop Robert P. Deeley will celebrate Mass live on the air on Friday, March 11, at 8 a.m.
A variety of guests will make appearances during the four-day event, including over 15 priests from the Diocese of Portland. The airing of testimonials from listeners who have been affected by the network’s programming will also highlight its impact.
“We will be sharing many stories from listeners and building awareness of the importance of Catholic radio. Now, more than ever, it is important to have a clear, strong, Catholic voice broadcasting the good news of Jesus Christ and the Church he founded, 24 hours a day," said Cynthia Nickless, the network’s executive director.
“By the grace of God, the Presence Radio Network has impacted countless people in Maine, including Catholics who have returned to the Church after years away, people who want to learn more about the faith, and people simply in need of solace, guidance, and enthusiasm,” said Bishop Deeley. “I look forward to thanking the donors for their generosity in helping the network remain strong and growing.”
The network can be heard on 90.3 FM in Greater Bangor, 106.7 FM in Greater Portland, 105.7 in the Springvale/Sanford area, 89.7 FM in the Brunswick/Bath area, 89.5 FM in Greater Augusta, 97.5 in Fort Kent, and 1390 AM in Presque Isle. It is also available online at
www.thepresence.fm, on smartphones by downloading the Presence Radio app, or by calling (605) 475-8037 to listen on your cell phone.