“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Isaiah 9:1). A heavenly light moved shepherds from their fields and Magi from their homeland. Together, they gathered around the manger with the newborn child. He is Emmanuel, God with Us.
As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that this same light brings God’s love to us. The heart of the Savior, Jesus Christ, is at the heart of the Church, beating with healing hospitality and merciful love.
Christmas is a time of great generosity. Families come together and the lonely are remembered. Let us celebrate Christmas in that spirit, today, tomorrow, and for the year to come by renewing our bond with all women and men of good will. Trust in the Lord who gave us everything in the gift of Jesus.
Gifts are given to be received, but the greatest gifts are meant to be shared. Let us resolve every day to live with Christ and make a similar gift of our lives to share the love we receive at Christmas with the world in the new year.